Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sam the Bear

I didn't think to introduce Sam in my last posting.

This is Sam. He is our camper mascot. We bought him when we went out to the Black Hills not long after we purchased the camper. It was our first trip with the camper that Gene got to go on.

When we travel with the camper, he comes along. When we arrive at our campsite, we find a suitable place in the campsite for Sam to watch over the festivities. He gets smiles from most everyone that walks by our site. Pranksters have been known to turn his flag upsidedown, but he has come to no harm from any.

When the camper was "gone with the wind" in September of 2005, Sam (along with other things) was trapped inside. It was over a week before we could flip the camper back up on its wheels and see what the damage was to the contents of the camper. We were ever so happy to see that he made it through his week of forced hibernation. Even his flag came out unscathed

He lives in the camper, ever ready to go on a camping trip. We all wish that we could take him more often.


At 8:04 PM , Blogger Jo said...

Wow, was wondering if you were ever going to update! :)

At 5:29 PM , Blogger Mon said...

Yea!! An update!!

At 5:02 PM , Blogger Phil said...

So many updates, I can't keep up!


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